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9 juil. 20221 min de lecture
Celebrities in the workshops!
Celebrities such as Asmaa Niang, judo champion, soon Nadjib Mohammedi, TOP 13 boxing world champion, the two BodyTime champions,...
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9 juil. 20223 min de lecture
The importance of mindset
« Your body goes as far as your mind goes » Believe in the power of your mind. It allows you to achieve what you thought impossible....
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
The 5 benefits of cold exposure (icebath)
« A cold shower a day, keeps the doctor away » the ice man Exposure to cold has many benefits for the body. Indeed, it allows our body to...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
Benefits of breathing
« Learning to breathe better is learning to live better » Guillaume Nery Without breathing, there is no life. In the early days of our...
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9 juil. 20221 min de lecture
Wim Hof Method: A therapeutic treatment
In a workshop on Sunday 23 January in Saint Genest Lerpt, Léandre Iceboy demonstrated the effectiveness of the Wim Hof method. Some...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
Take ice baths
Léandre Omeir has become a certified international coach and is introducing the Wim Hof method in France. He suggests discovering the...
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9 juil. 20221 min de lecture
Zoom on Léandre Omeir
By surpassing himself and the physical performance, the instructor of the Wim Hof method owes his amazing physical abilities to a...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
Breathing: 4 exercises to stay healthy
Good breathing helps to stay healthy. The Wim Hof breathing exercises are simple and accessible. They relieve stress and help you learn...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
Ferdi on Thursday!
The two certified instructors of the Wim Hof method, sometimes nicknamed the Care Bears of the cold by the participants, have launched a...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
A private Wim Hof workshop in your home?
Are you cool and want to give your friends or community a unique experience? You want to invite the two greatest instructors of the Wim...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
Wim Hof Method: A technique to reveal yourself
The Wim Hof method is above all a story of solidarity in the face of life's movements. Invented by a Dutchman nicknamed "the ice man",...
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9 juil. 20221 min de lecture
Special workshop for entrepreneurs: 100% Success
Léandre Iceboy and Ferdinand Thor coached the UMENTO community, bringing together entrepreneurs and investors to share common values of...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
What we are hoping for you with Wim: Strength, Joy and Health
What we are hoping for you with Wim: Strength, Joy and Health Throughout my expeditions with Wim, I have learned from this incredible...
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9 juil. 20222 min de lecture
Offer an unforgettable experience to your customers!
A great way to learn the Wim Hof Method is to organize live events with Léandre Iceboy, one of the first WHM instructors to offer your...
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9 juil. 20227 min de lecture
The Wim Hof Method experience for a Happy, Strong, and Healthy life
Nowadays, many people are talking about the Wim Hof Method, a method created by Wim Hof, also known as ICEMAN, a Dutch extreme athlete...
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6 juil. 20222 min de lecture
A star in a workshop!
Asma Niang, judo champion was attending the Wim Hof workshop at Olodge with Léandre Iceboy and Ferdinand Thor. We had the chance to...
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15 juin 20222 min de lecture
Une star dans un workshop !
Asma Niang, championne de judo était présente lors du workshop Wim Hof au Olodge avec Léandre Iceboy et Ferdinand Thor. Nous avons eu la...
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15 juin 20222 min de lecture
Offrez une expérience inoubliable à vos clients !
Une excellente façon d’apprendre la méthode Wim Hof est d’organiser des événements en direct avec Léandre Iceboy, l’un des premiers...
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15 juin 20222 min de lecture
Ce qu’on vous souhaite avec Wim : Force, Joie et Santé
Tout au long des mes expéditions avec Wim, j’ai appris de cet homme incroyable. Notre sincère amitié m’a donnée encore plus d’espoir pour...
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15 juin 20221 min de lecture
Lettre personnelle à Léandre Iceboy
Depuis quand. Depuis quand ne m’étais-je pas autorisée à partager mes émotions ? Oui, partager, et m’autoriser à pleurer à côté de...
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