Celebrities such as Asmaa Niang, judo champion, soon Nadjib Mohammedi, TOP 13 boxing world champion, the two BodyTime champions, Pierre-Jean Carrières and Alexandre Villani and influencers from all walks of life such as Sarah Juhasz, nathuropathic hygienist, have all accepted to follow the Wim Hof method with Léandre Iceboy and Ferdinand Thor.
Activate your potential
The stars did not hesitate to accept the Wim Hof challenge in the company of the participants in all proximity and benevolence. Because the Wim Hof method is accessible to all and is dedicated to all people wishing to discover their potential, and thus stimulate their capacities, their strengths, their vitality and their happiness.
Unsuspected strengths
Whether they are high level athletes or people in need of wellness, all share the three pillars of the Wim Hof method: cold, breathing and mental strength exercises. The experience is beneficial for everyone, regardless of their physical and mental abilities. Thus, you may be led to share your emotions during a workshop with celebrities, because this is the spirit of the Wim Hof method.
The power of the mind
We all have the power to focus on any part of the body and observe its processes. The instructors teach you a scientifically proven method to keep control over the mind, which can lead to altering the body's biochemistry. This will allow all of you to naturally affronter the situations of life. This is how exposure to cold, combined with conscious breathing, meditation and a positive mental attitude proves to be beneficial for each person. Would you like to discover or expand your knowledge of the Wim Hof method?
Take part in a workshop here: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/instructors/leandreomeir